Mullingar Presbyterian Church

A church open to God, open to each other, open to everyone

Mullingar Presbyterian Church

Fáilte! Welcome!

Have a look around..... We have a similar 'Just looking' policy should you drop by with us some Sunday at 11.30am.

The only pressure you'll get from us is a warm welcome. ..... Browsers welcome on Sunday's too!

If you're looking for a church in County Westmeath, you've arrived at a good place. We are a welcoming Presbyterian Church in Mullingar. Our desire is to walk together with Christ sharing His love and message with everyone.

We would like to invite you on Sundays at 11:30am to our Christ-centered worship service. (Eircode - N91 Y9HN)

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What's on soon:

Everyone is welcome to attend our services. Our next service is on Sunday 28th July at 11.30am We look forward to seeing you then. 

Prayer Time: We usually have a mid week prayer time. This is a very informal time of prayer. Everyone is welcome to come and join us. There is a prayer box in the welcome area of the church and if you can't come to the prayer time, but there is something in particular you would like to have included in our prayers, please leave a little note in the prayer box. We'd love to see you there. It's on Wednesdays at 7.30pm

Vacancy Update: Following our recent visit to the Linkage Commission in Belfast, we are pleased that we have officially been given "Leave to Call".  This is the next step in the process of filling our vacancy (looking for a new minister). Please pray for the work of the Linkage Commission and anyone who is hearing God's call to come to minister to the congregations in counties Westmeath and Longford. 

Holiday season: We hope everyone enjoying well earned breaks or holidays spend safe and relaxing time where ever they go. If you are on holidays in the Mullingar area we would love to meet you.

Oodles & Doodles is on summer holidays until September. Keep in contact for the date of the start of the new term.

Solid Rock for teenagers is finished for this term. Have a lovely summer and we will see you in the autumn. 

Bible Study is finished for the moment. We were using the Life Explored series. Keep in contact for details of our next bible study.

Details of our various activities can be found below.

Rev Daniel Reyes Martin was called to minister with the congregations in Clontibret and Middletown, Co Monaghan and is no longer the minister in Mullingar and Corboy churches. We miss Dani and Ruth, David and Miriam but we know that God will be with them in this new ministry. Please keep them in your prayers.

Charlie Murphy and Christiaan Potgieter were ordained as elders of our sister chuch in Corboy, Co. Longford. We congratulate them and will keep them in our prayers for this special ministry.
