Mullingar Presbyterian Church

A church open to God, open to each other, open to everyone

Mullingar Presbyterian Church

Fáilte! Welcome!

Have a look around..... We have a similar 'Just looking' policy should you drop by with us some Sunday at 11.30am.

The only pressure you'll get from us is a warm welcome. ..... Browsers welcome on Sunday's too!

If you're looking for a church in County Westmeath, you've arrived at a good place. We are a welcoming Presbyterian Church in Mullingar. Our desire is to walk together with Christ sharing His love and message with everyone.

We would like to invite you on Sundays at 11:30am to our Christ-centered worship service. (Eircode - N91 Y9HN)

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What's on soon:

Everyone is welcome to attend our services. Our next Sunday service will be on Sunday 30th March at 11.30am. As always, this will be a family service. Primary school aged children leave to go to Sunday Club about half way through the service. Their leaders will take them through some bible stories using language and materials suitable for their ages. There is also a creche room where parents can still join in with the service. 

Bible Study: In our Bible Study we are having a look at the Bible book 1 John. The next Bible Study evening is Tuesday 25th March and everyone is welcome. If you are interested in digging into God's word - this is for you. If you have questions about your faith or about what we believe - this is for you. If you have never been to a Bible Study before - this is for you. If you have been to many Bible Studies - this is for you! It is open to all and will be informal, informative and encouraging. Hope to see you there.

There is a prayer box in the welcome area of the church and if there is something in particular you would like to have included in our prayers, please leave a little note in the prayer box.

Oodles & Doodles will be on Wednesday 26th March at 10.30am. It's for toddlers and their carers and takes place every Wednesday morning during school term from 10.30am - 12pm (See below for details.) There are toys and fun for the toddlers and their carers can chat and maybe get to know new people in the area. We're delighted to be able to run this activity for the Mullingar community.

As a congregation, we recently thanked God and celebrated the 10th anniversary of the opening of this church building on March 7th 2015. We had some nice fellowship with a lovely shared lunch after the service. 

Saturday, 11th January 2025 was a special day in the life Wallace Moore and his family and the congregations of Corboy and Mullingar churches. His service of Ordination, Installation and Induction to the congregations of Corboy and Mullingar was a warm and welcoming occasion. It was lovely to see everyone who travelled from the North to support Wallace and Jane and everyone from the Mullingar, Edgeworthstown and Longford areas. Thank you to everyone who took part in the service making it so special.

Please keep this new start for Wallace, his wife Jane and the congregations of Corboy and Mullingar in your prayers at this very special time.

We would like to thank everyone who has led our services over the past year while we were vacant including Mark Proctor and Keith McCrory, Obey Shanya, Ajoy Sunil, Patrick Mitchel, William Workman, Tom Dowling, George Hunter, Rachel McKevitt, Russell Jeffares, Sean Copeland, Theo Douglas, Niek Wit, Trevor Morrow, John Faris and David Ambury.

    Details of our various activities can be found below.
